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Dataset profile


A guide for how to describe datasets in the life-sciences using annotation. Version 1.0-RELEASE.

Summary of Changes

Key changes since 0.3-RELEASE:
  • Updated properties to v12.0; various properties added at recommended or optional level, expected types updated. See 0.4-DRAFT for full details
  • license now a minimum property
  • keywords: Cardinality #501 – Cardinality is MANY
  • distribution: Cardinality #574 – Cardinality changed to MANY
  • datePublished: Increased marginlity #576 – Now recommended
  • publisher: Increased marginlity, Cardinality #576 – Now recommended with MANY cardinality

Minimum properties

Name Description Cardinality
description A short summary describing a dataset. A description of the item. one
identifier CURIEs that can be resolved using should be used. The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. provides dedicated properties for representing many of these, either as textual strings or as URL (URI) links. See background notes for more details. many
keywords Keywords should be drawn from a controlled vocabulary, e.g. EDAM, and supplied as a DefinedTerm list. Keywords or tags used to describe this content. Multiple entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas. many
license A license under which the dataset is distributed. A license document that applies to this content, typically indicated by URL. one
name A descriptive name of the dataset. The name of the item. one
url The location of a page describing the dataset. URL of the item. one
conformsTo This is used to state the Bioschemas profile that the markup relates to. The identifier can be the url for the version of this bioschemas class on github: one
Name Description Cardinality
alternateName An alias for the item. many
citation A citation for a publication that describes the dataset. A citation or reference to another creative work, such as another publication, web page, scholarly article, etc. many
creator The name of the dataset creator (person or organization). The creator/author of this CreativeWork. This is the same as the Author property for CreativeWork. many
datePublished Date of first broadcast/publication. one
distribution A downloadable form of this dataset, at a specific location, in a specific format. many
includedInDataCatalog A data catalog which contains this dataset. Supersedes includedDataCatalog, catalog. Inverse property: dataset many
isBasedOn Use to link a Dataset to the Study that it was generated from. A resource that was used in the creation of this resource. This term can be repeated for multiple sources. For example, Supersedes isBasedOnUrl. many
measurementTechnique A technique or technology used in a Dataset (or DataDownload, DataCatalog), corresponding to the method used for measuring the corresponding variable(s) (described using variableMeasured). This is oriented towards scientific and scholarly dataset publication but may have broader applicability; it is not intended as a full representation of measurement, but rather as a high level summary for dataset discovery. For example, if variableMeasured is: molecule concentration, measurementTechnique could be: "mass spectrometry" or "nmr spectroscopy" or "colorimetry" or "immunofluorescence". If the variableMeasured is "depression rating", the measurementTechnique could be "Zung Scale" or "HAM-D" or "Beck Depression Inventory". If there are several variableMeasured properties recorded for some given data object, use a PropertyValue for each variableMeasured and attach the corresponding measurementTechnique. many
variableMeasured What does the dataset measure? (e.g., temperature, pressure). The variableMeasured property can indicate (repeated as necessary) the variables that are measured in some dataset, either described as text or as pairs of identifier and description using PropertyValue. many
version The version number for this dataset. The version of the CreativeWork embodied by a specified resource. one

Optional properties

Name Description Cardinality
dateCreated The date on which the CreativeWork was created or the item was added to a DataFeed. one
dateModified The date on which the CreativeWork was most recently modified or when the item's entry was modified within a DataFeed. one
hasPart Indicates an item or CreativeWork that is part of this item, or CreativeWork (in some sense). Inverse property: isPartOf one
isAccessibleForFree A flag to signal that the item, event, or place is accessible for free. Supersedes free. one
isPartOf Indicates an item or CreativeWork that this item, or CreativeWork (in some sense), is part of. Inverse property: hasPart one
maintainer A maintainer of a Dataset, software package (SoftwareApplication), or other Project. A maintainer is a Person or Organization that manages contributions to, and/or publication of, some (typically complex) artifact. It is common for distributions of software and data to be based on "upstream" sources. When maintainer is applied to a specific version of something e.g. a particular version or packaging of a Dataset, it is always possible that the upstream source has a different maintainer. The isBasedOn property can be used to indicate such relationships between datasets to make the different maintenance roles clear. Similarly in the case of software, a package may have dedicated maintainers working on integration into software distributions such as Ubuntu, as well as upstream maintainers of the underlying work. many
publisher The publisher of the creative work. one
sameAs URL of a reference Web page that unambiguously indicates the item's identity. E.g. the URL of the item's Wikipedia page, Wikidata entry, or official website. one